Completed Companion jobs are no longer deleted from the database
If a completed mobile job is deleted, it will now be updated with a deleted status but remain on the database. Jobs with a deleted status are hidden from the UI.
Companion Job Multi-Select
Users can now select multiple jobs and perform certain actions against them from the Browse Jobs screen.
Custom ordering of job type lists
Users can now control where a particular job type appears in a dropdown list. To adjust the ordering, users add a precedence value to the job type. The higher the precedence value, the higher the job type will appear in the list.
Improvements to the date and time selectors on the job data screen
Users can now change the effective or due date/time fields on the Mobile Job Data screen using the standard date/time picker found in other areas of the system.
System properties only appear on relevant jobs
System properties set up for a specific job type will only appear for those jobs, preventing incorrect properties from being displayed.